Welcome Families


Each year, Edutainment Creative School, Shivpuri welcomes new families to the School community. We strive to make the transition an easy and seamless one. Here is some useful contact information, as well as suggestions for the many ways parents can be involved in the life of the School. Below you’ll find Frequently Asked Questions, useful School contacts, and ways to get involved. And, of course, you are always welcome to contact any of the Admission staff.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students entering Nursery begin with a half day of school (9:00 am - 12:30 pm) from Monday to Friday. Saturday is holiday for young ones. Parents are notified of their child’s activities and worksheets along with hand holding from our team.

From 1st Grade students onwards, they begin with a full day from Monday to Saturday.
Timings and schedule are subjected to change which is notified to parents through various platforms.

Student progress reports are issued at the time of Periodic Tests, Half Yearly and Annual examination. These are available through School App as well as Student Login portal through website on the date of declaration.

Each and every corner of the School is equipped with 24X7 CCTV for monitoring and safety of our students. The security is highest priority of our school which is ensured by employing trained personnel.
Clothing should be School Uniform which should be neat and clean. Sports Dress would be worn for sports and Hostel dress for Hostel hours.
Paper Castle is a quarterly School e-newsletter that includes a message from the Head of School, upcoming events, and student inputs. Field Notes is published and contains highlights of Field Education experiences.
Parents Teachers Meeting are held 3-4 times per year, and are hosted by the Teachers and Administration Team. These sessions cover topics of their child’s progress, how can we work towards their betterment and discussing innovative ideas.